Thursday 23 April 2015

Class VIII Holiday HW

Practice Questions Class IX

10 Question :  1.  0.35 (pure recurring decimal)
                       2. 15.712( mixed recurring and bar is on 12)
                       3. 1.27(pure recurring decimal)

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Class VII Revision Questions

Work Out the following Sums

1. In a class Test Contaaining 10 Questions,Five marks are given for every correct answer and -2 marks are given for every incorrect answer and 0 for not attempting.
i. Karan attempts all questions but only 6 questions are correct. What is his score?
ii. Radhika gets 6 correct and 5 incorrect answers . What is her score?

2. Evaluate the following?
 a. 7-8 ÷ (-2)+3 x(-4)
b.   18 ─ [ 3 + { 8÷ ( 5 ─ 3  of  2 + 3 ) } ]

3. Write 5 pairs of Intergers (a,b) such that  a÷ b = -3 Eg:(-6,2)
4. The temperature at the noon was 10 degree centigrade above 0. It descends by 2 degree centigrade per hr until mid-night , at what time would the temperature be 8 degree centigrade below zero? what would be the temperature at midnight?
5. List out the properties that multiplication of integers satisfy?Give example for each.
6.  List out the properties that division of integers do not follow?

Class VIII Revision Questions

Work out the following sums

1. Represent the following as indicated
a. 0.000000000085( Standard form)
b. 1.0007 x 10^11 ( Usual form)

2. verify the following

a.   If  p = -3/2         q = 4/5    then prove that  p x q = q x p

b. With the same values of p and q  prove that  p+q = q+p

3. Find the multiplicative inverse of the following:
 a. -4/5
 b. 2/3

4.  Find the additive inverse of the following:

a.  -6/3
b.  7/9

5. Sum of 2 numbers is 3/5. If one of them is -2/7, Find the other.

6. If  x= 4/9     y= -7/12   and  z = -2/3 then verify that x-(y-z) is not equal to (x-y)-z

7. With the same values of x , y and z  show that X*(Y+Z)= X*Y + X*Z

Tuesday 14 April 2015

FA1 Syllabus

Class IX

Number system (all Exercises)

Polynomials (Exercise 2.1 and 2.2)

Class VIII

Rational Numbers (Exercise 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3)

Exponents and Power ( All Exercises)

Class VII

Integers( 1.3 , 1.4 and 1.5)

Fractions and Decimals(2.1 and 2.2)

Class IX Fa -1 Revision(Questions from Number System and Polynomials)

Number system Class IX

Hey all

Here are some videos on number system which can help you in Understanding the way of representing irrational number on real line ,also constructing square root spiral.....